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Revision as of 09:45, 31 August 2012

tblSFSeditLog, a single table in SFSdb, columns are the same as in tblEditLog, as modified in version 3.5

   DateTime, timestamp for time of entry
   FileID, integer, 2 bytes, = tblFiles.FileID, if > 0, then the file that made a change
   SFuserID, integer, 2 bytes, identifier for species file signon that did the edit, FileID needed to locate the signon
   SFSuserID, integer, 2 bytes, identifier for Species File Software signon that did the edit
   UnitName, text, 100 bytes maximum, program unit that generated the entry
   Description, text, 400 bytes maximum, description of change
   WhereClause, text, 200 bytes maximum, information used in the where clause of a SQL query
   DataSpecs, text, 400 bytes maximum, a listing of the data specifications as they appear in OldData and NewData
   OldData, text, 8000 bytes maximum, previously recorded data
   NewData, text, 8000 bytes maximum, newly recorded data
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