People (table)

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tblPeople, names of people

   PersonID, integer, 4 bytes, identifier for person
   FileID, integer, 4 bytes, identifier for the file
   PrefID, integer, 2 bytes, if PrefID > 0, then this is a duplicate or misspelled name and PrefID = PersonID for preferred name
   PersonRegID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblPeopleReg.PersonRegID
   FamilyName, text, 75 characters maximum, last name(s)
   GivenNames, text, 75 characters maximum, given name(s)
   GivenInitials, text, 20 characters maximum, initials of given names(s)
   Suffix, text, 10 characters maximum, last name suffix
   Role, integer, 2 bytes, contains data flags indicating (not necessarily in the same order in the bitmap).  These bits have been reserved but are currently unused (6/22/06).
       bit value 1 if this person is an author
       bit value 2 if this person is a data source
       bit value 4 if this person is a collector
       bit value 8 if this person is an identifier
       bit value 16 if this person is an expert
       bit value 32 if this person is a character recorder
       bit value 64 if there is another person in the database with the same family name.  This includes alternate names, except a duplication between an alternate and its PrefID name does not count as a duplication.
       bit value 128 if there is addressbook information available for this person
       bit value 256 if this person is unused (deletable) no longer used
       bit value 512 if this person has alternate names
       bit value 1024 if this person is assigned a taxon as an expert
       bit value 2048 if this person provides a scrutiny
   Status, integer, 1 byte, status of reconciliation with tblPeopleReg, for future development
       0 = no reconciliation attempted
       10 = sent add request to SFSdb
       20 = add request acknowledged by SFSdb, no LSID available yet
       30 = sent modify request to SFSdb
       40 = modify request acknowledged by SFSdb
       70 = received request from SFSdb for editor decision
       80 = editor decision received from editor and sent to SFSdb, return acknowledgement not yet received
       100 = all questions resolved, LSID available from SFSdb
   LastUpdate, smalldatetime, date and time of last update
   ModifiedBy, integer, 4 bytes, FileUserID of the signon that made the change
   CreatedOn, smalldatetime, date and time row was created
   CreatedBy, integer, 4 bytes, FileUserID of the signon that created the row
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