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tblCollectEvents, information about the date and collector

   CollectEventID, integer, 4 bytes, identifier for the collecting event
   CollectorName, text, 100 bytes maximum.  To be deleted when CollectorID is implemented and linking table to tblPeople is available.
   Year, integer, 2 bytes, year collecting started. There is a special case of Year = 1000, used to signify that no year is available for the collection event, but month (and perhaps day) are significant to the event.
   Month, integer, 1 byte, month collecting started
   Day, integer, 1 byte, day of month collecting started
   DaysToEnd, integer, 2 bytes, additional days in collecting period (usually 0)
   LastUpdate, smalldatetime, date and time of last update
   ModifiedBy, integer, 2 bytes, UserID of the signon that made the change
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