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tblTypeSpecies contains citation to species that is the type for a genus-group name.

   GenusNameID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblTaxa.TaxonNameID for the genus.  If there is a nominotypical subgenus, use the TaxonNameID of the subgenus.
   SpeciesNameID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblTaxa.TaxonNameID for the type species of the genus.  If there is a nominotypical subgenus, use the TaxonNameID of the subspecies.
   Reason, integer, 1 byte, = tblTypeSpeciesReasons.ListNumber
       0 = unknown
       1 = original monotypy
       2 = original designation
       3 = subsequent designation
       4 = monotypy and original designation
       5 = subsequent monotypy
       6 = absolute tautonomy
       7 = Linnaean tautonomy
       8 = ruling by Commission
       9 = inherited from replaced name
   AuthorityRefID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblRefs.RefID, used only when Reason = 3 (otherwise AuthorityRefID = 0).  Citation can be found by tblCites.TaxonNameID = tblTypeSpecies.GenusNameID and tblCites.RefID = tblTypeSpecies.AuthorityRefID.
   FirstFamGrpNameID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblTaxa.TaxonNameID for the first family-group name based on this genus
   LastUpdate, smalldatetime, date and time row last updated
   ModifiedBy, integer, 4 bytes, FileUserID of the signon that made the change
   CreatedOn, smalldatetime, date and time row was created
   CreatedBy, integer, 4 bytes, FileUserID of the signon that created the row
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