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tblRefs, references

  • RefID, integer, 4 bytes, identifier for reference
  • FileID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblFiles.FileID
  • ContainingRefID, integer, 4 bytes, when the reference is included within a different reference, it is = tblReference.ID for the different reference. When ContainingRefID > 0, ActualYear and StatedYear must = values for row where RefID = ContainingRefID, PubID must = 0, Volume must = "". Title and RefPages may have values separate from the row where RefID = ContainingRefID.
  • Title, text, 600 characters maximum, title of reference
  • PubID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblPubs.PubID for publication containing the reference
  • Series, text, 25 characters maximum, series number or other identification for a series
  • Volume, text, 30 characters maximum, volume of the publication (older data often includes issue number in parentheses after the volume)
  • Issue, 25 characters maximum, issue number or other identification within a volume.
  • RefPages, text, 70 characters maximum, pages in the reference plus any plates, etc. that lack page numbers
  • ActualYear, text, 10 bytes maximum
  • StatedYear, text, 10 bytes maximum, null string except where different from ActualYear
  • AccessCode, integer, 4 bytes
  • Flags, integer, 2 bytes, internal use only: local copy, loan copy, 0 = no copy of reference on site, 1 = have copy on site
  • Note, text, 1024 characters maximum
  • LinkID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblLinks.LinkID, represents the location of an electronic copy of the reference.
  • CiteDataStatus, integer, 2 bytes, with bitwise flags indicating least status among the citations to this reference in tblCites.DataStatus:
    • 1 = concept flags recorded, may need review.
    • 2 = concept flags recorded, considered done (When this bit is on, the bit in the previous line is also on.)
    • 4 = nomen flags recorded, may need review.
    • 8 = nomen flags recorded, considered done (When this bit is on, the bit in the previous line is also on.)
    • 0x10 (16) = info flags recorded, may need review
    • 0x20 (32) = info flags recorded, considered done (When this bit is on, the bit in the previous line is also on.)
  • Verbatim, text, 1000 character maximum, unparsed text from reference being imported, possible future use as cheat column to reduce execution time
  • LastUpdate, smalldatetime, date and time of last update
  • ModifiedBy, integer, 4 bytes, FileUserID of the signon that made the change
  • CreatedOn, smalldatetime, date and time row was created
  • CreatedBy, integer, 4 bytes, FileUserID of the signon that created the row
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