
From Species File Help
Revision as of 10:22, 31 August 2012 by Maehr (Talk | contribs)

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tblPendingPubFiles, linking table used to track the reconciliation of data in tblPubReg and the separate tblPubs in different species files, for future development

   FileID = tblFiles.FileID, integer, 4 bytes, this plus PubRegID constitutes the primary key
   PubID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblPubs.PubID
   PubRegID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblPubReg.PubRegID
   Status, integer, 1 byte, status of reconciling tblPubReg with tblPubs in the species file
       1-50 = waiting for response from species file editor
           1 = Preferred pub not found in tblPubReg
           2 = Registry editor has proposed change
           11 = Registry editor rejected proposed addition
           12 = Registry editor rejected proposed change
           13 = Message from registry editor waiting
           21 = Registry has accepted proposal from species file
       51-100 = waiting for response from registry editor
           51 = Species file editor proposed adding a pub to the registry
           52 = Species file editor initiated a proposed change
           53 = Service pack or test program found a proposed change
           61 = Species file editor indicated belief that species file version is correct
           81 = Message from species file editor waiting
           91 = Species file has accepted proposal from registry editor
           92 = Species file editor chooses not to include this pub in registry
       No code for completed; the row is deleted.
   Messages, text, 4000 character maximum
   LastUpdate, smalldatetime, date and time of last update
   ModifiedBy, integer, 4 bytes, FileUserID of the signon that made the change
   CreatedOn, smalldatetime, date and time row was created
   CreatedBy, integer, 4 bytes, FileUserID of the signon that created the row
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