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Revision as of 10:24, 31 August 2012

tblGenusNames, genus and subgenus names for lookup in tblNomenclator. The names in this table are guaranteed to be in tblTaxa except when their usage is based on a specimen identification. TaxonNameID is not recorded here because the name may appear more than once in tblTaxa.

   GenusNameID, integer, 4 bytes, primary key
   Name, text, 30 characters maximum, = tblTaxa.Name at a rank of genus or subgenus.  Names are limited to genus and subgenus names found in tblTaxa.Name or required for tblIdentifications.NomenclatorID.
   Italicize, integer, 1 byte, value of 1 means italicize the name
   LastUpdate, smalldatetime, date and time of last update
   ModifiedBy, integer, 4 bytes, FileUserID of the signon that made the change
   CreatedOn, smalldatetime, date and time row was created
   CreatedBy, integer, 4 bytes, FileUserID of the signon that created the row
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