
From Species File Help
Revision as of 11:57, 2 September 2012 by Maehr (Talk | contribs)

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tblFiles contains data about the status of various species files, a single table in SFSdb.

  • FileID, integer, 2 bytes, identifier for the file
  • ServerName, text, 15 bytes maximum, name of the server that contains the database
  • DatabaseName, text, 30 bytes maximum, name of the database file
  • FileTypeID, integer, 1 byte, = tblFileTypes.FileTypeID, type of database file
  • WebsiteName, text, 30 bytes maximum, name of the website as used in the URL [WebsiteName]
  • AboveID, integer, 2 bytes, = FileID of the species file above it in the taxonomic hierarchy
  • Description, text, 1000 bytes maximum, description as found in tblConstants of the database
  • DateStarted, text, 20 bytes maximum
  • NumSpecies, integer, 4 bytes, number of valid species
  • NumNames, integer, 4 bytes, total number of names
  • NumCites, integer, 4 bytes, number of citations
  • NumImages, integer, 4 bytes, number of images
  • NumSpecimens, integer, 4 bytes, number of specimen records
  • NumKeyEndPoints, integer, 4 bytes, number of end points in keys
  • FileVersion, text, 20 bytes maximum, version for the file specific portion
  • CommonVersion, integer, 2 bytes, major version number for the shared common code
  • ServicePack, integer, 2 bytes, service pack number applied to the common code
  • Flags, integer, 2 bytes, used to manage which files use features under development
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Species Files