Export dataset

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In order to export DarwinCore datasets, you must be located at SelectTypeAdmin.aspx (reachable from the Admin link in the nav bar). Once there, clicking on Export dataset under Data import and export section will direct you to the SelectDatasetType.aspx page, providing you with two types of dataset: taxonomic checklist and occurrences. Additionally, each one can be generated in two formats: Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), and Excel spreadsheet. Clicking on any link will start the dataset generation process during which you will see the progress of each component. Once completed, a Download dataset button will appear in place of the Cancel button. Clicking on Download dataset will allow you to download a copy of the ZIP file. Depending on you browser settings, you will be prompted to confirm you want to download the file and then either you'll asked to provide a destination folder in your computer, or the download will just begin and the file will be stored in your Downloads folder.

In the next sections, you can see detailed information about the formats and types of datasets.




Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A)


Excel Spreadsheet


Dataset types


Taxonomic Checklist




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