
From Species File Help
Revision as of 09:49, 31 August 2012 by Maehr (Talk | contribs)

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tblConstants contains constant values to be referenced by programs.

   Name, text, 30 bytes maximum, name for the constant
       Basic information about the database
           Access, "Public" or "Private" to indicate if open to public
           ContactLink, email address for the person to contact
           Description, description of the database and website, displayed on the home page
           HomeLink, URL for the home page
           LogoLink, URL for website logo
           SMTPhost, internet address of host server
       Rows related to Species 2000
           GSDIdentifier, identifier assigned by Species 2000 to a global species database
           GSDShortName, short name supplied to Species 2000
           GSDTitle, title supplied to Species 2000
       Rows used for version tracking
           CommonVersion, version number for the common code (number preceeding "." in version)
           FileVersion, version number for the file specific portion of the code
           ServicePack, sequence number for service packs completed (number following "." in version)
           SPscript, sequence number for service pack scripts
           HotFix, sequence number for hot fixes for programming errors
       Rows for tracking hits to website (probably obsolete since now using Google Analytics)
           SessionCount, count of sessions since DateCountStarted
           CountHistory, history of session and/or other counts for website
           DateCountStarted, date and time when current count started
           HitCount, count of website hits, not yet implemented
       Rows for splitting a species file and merging back together
           CopiedFromDB, name of the database from which this was split out
           CopyStep, step number in the process of splitting out a database
           MaxIDtblCollectEvents, MaxIDtblDepos, etc., maximum ID value in the table when the splitting process is completed.  This is used at the time of merge to determine which IDs are newly created and must be given new IDs in the merged result.  Row MaxIDtblTaxa, column LastUpdate is used at the  time of merge to determine which rows int the merged into database were changed subsequent to the split.
           MergeDetailDone, name of the substep completed
           MergedToDB, name of the database merged into.  This is usually the same as CopiedFromDB, but may have a different value for test runs.
           MergeStep, number of the step completed in the merge process
           OldApexNameID, TaxonNameID in the original database of the apex taxon in the split out database
       Rows about messages
           EditorActionNeed, bitwise flags to call an editor's attention to an issue needing resolution
               0 = none
               1 = publication(s) to be resolved
           MsgEditor, text of message to users with edit privileges
           MsgPublic, text of message to all users
   Value, integer, value for the constant
   Hex, text, 10 bytes, hexadecimal representation of Value
   String, text, 1000 bytes maximum, non numeric constants
   LastUpdate, smalldatetime, date and time row last updated
   ModifiedBy, integer, 2 bytes, UserID of the signon that made the change
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