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tblCites contains citations to a reference and associated with a specific taxon.

   TaxonNameID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblTaxa.TaxonNameID for the associated taxon
   SeqNum, integer, 2 bytes, a 1-based sequence number for the citations for an individual taxon
   RefID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblRefs.RefID
   CitePages, text, 50 characters maximum, list of pages, plates, etc. cited for this taxon
   Note, text, 400 characters maximum, any additional information about what is included in the citation
   NomenclatorID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblNomenclator.NomenclatorID, applies to taxa at rank genus or lower
   NewNameStatusID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblNewNameStatus.NewNameStatusID, status of new names as listed in tblNewNameStatus values 0 to 18. (Values 11 to 16 are used only in tblTaxonHistory.)
   TypeInfoID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblTypeInfo.TypeInfoID, type designation or clarification
   ContentFlags, integer, 4 bytes, kinds of content as documented for tblCiteContentFlags
   ConceptChangeID, integer, 4 bytes, = tblConceptChanges.ConceptChangeID, kinds of change to taxon concept as listed in tblContentChanges
   CurrentConcept, bit, value 1 indicates this citation provides the current concept.
   InfoFlags, integer, 2 bytes, flags for presence of types of information as listed in tblCiteInfoFlags
   InfoFlagStatus, integer, 1 byte, status of information in InfoFlags
       0 = not data
       1 = partial data or needs review
       2 = complete data
   PolynomialStatus, integer, 1 byte.  A value of 1 indicates tblCites.NomenclatorID should form the basis for a taxon name LSID and be included in data sent to the Catalogue of Life and exported in Darwin Core.
       0 = no change recognized; NewNameStatus = 0, 1 or 8.  Also, all taxa above genus rank have this value.  Also, all cases of insufficient nomenclator information have this value.  NewNameStatus can = 2 when nomenclator has data such as "? ([subgenus name})" for the original description.
       1 = first use of polynomial; NewNameStatus = 2, 4-7, 10 or 17-19
       2 = later use of polynomial; NewNameStatus = 4, 5, 7 or 10
       3 = treated as synonym; NewNameStatus = 3 or 9
       4 = duplicate use in nominotypical sub; NewNameStatus = 2, 4-7, 10 or 17-19. The sub is used to represent all duplications except for the original description of the genus or species without the sub.
       5 = not used for lack of scientific name; NewNameStatus = 2 or 5
       6 = not used because of AccessCode; NewNameStatus = any
       7 = outside of primary scope; NewNameStatus = any
   LastUpdate, smalldatetime, date and time of last update
   ModifiedBy, integer, 4 bytes, FileUserID of the signon that made the change
   CreatedOn, smalldatetime, date and time row was created
   CreatedBy, integer, 4 bytes, FileUserID of the signon that created the row
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